Email Address

Phone Number

+94 (77) 906 6671

Our Location

105, Ihalagama, Mahailuppalama

Email Address

Phone Number

+94 (77) 906 6671

Our Location

105, Ihalagama, Mahailuppalama


Empowering Lives Through Projects

Dive into the Heart of Angel Animal Rescue's Initiatives

Our ongoing and upcoming projects dedicated to the well-being of street dogs and elephants in Sri Lanka. From our Neutering and Rabies Project to the innovative Elephants and Bees initiative, witness the transformative impact of compassionate action. Join us on this journey of hope and contribute to making a lasting difference in the lives of these precious beings.


Controlling the Population, Enhancing Health

Neutering and Rabies Project

Our vital mission to control the street dog population and elevate their well-being through the Neutering and Rabies Project. Focused initially in the Mahailuppalama area of Anuradhapura, this initiative aims not only to address the overpopulation issue but also to improve the overall health and welfare of these vulnerable animals. Explore our progress, discover ways to contribute, and join us in creating healthier and happier communities for both humans and animals.

Ongoing Project

Main Project

Innovative Solutions for Harmony

Elephants and Bees Project

The innovative approach of our Elephants and Bees Project, designed to mitigate human-elephant conflict in Sri Lanka. By implementing beehive fences, we aim to create a sustainable solution that protects both farmers’ crops and the well-being of elephants. Delve into the project’s unique strategies, explore external resources, and be inspired by impactful stories illustrating the positive transformation in communities and the lives of these magnificent creatures. Join us in fostering a harmonious coexistence between humans and elephants.

Support Us

Make a difference by contributing to our cause - your donation empowers our efforts in animal welfare.

Rescue Heroes

Join our community of dedicated rescue heroes, working together to protect and care for street dogs and elephants.

Adopt a Friend

Explore the possibility of giving a loving home to a rescued animal, providing them a chance for a better life.

Get Involved

Be a part of our mission – volunteer, spread awareness, and engage with us to create positive change for animals.

Support Us

Make a difference by contributing to our cause - your donation empowers our efforts in animal welfare.

Rescue Heroes

Join our community of dedicated rescue heroes, working together to protect and care for street dogs and elephants.

Adopt a Friend

Explore the possibility of giving a loving home to a rescued animal, providing them a chance for a better life.

Get Involved

Be a part of our mission – volunteer, spread awareness, and engage with us to create positive change for animals.

If You Need Help, Get A Consultation Now!

Clients Inquiries

Related Questions

Essential information about Angel Animal Rescue through our Frequently Asked Questions. Learn about our mission, projects, and how you can play a vital role in supporting the welfare of street dogs and elephants in Sri Lanka.

Our primary focus is to protect and care for street dogs and elephants in Sri Lanka. We are committed to providing a safe haven, medical attention, and advocacy for these vulnerable animals.

You can support us by making a donation, volunteering your time, or spreading awareness. Visit our “Get Involved” page for more details on how you can contribute to our mission.

Our ongoing project involves neutering and providing rabies vaccinations to street dogs, starting in the Mahailuppalama area of Anuradhapura. It aims to control the population and improve the overall health of these animals.

The Elephants and Bees project focuses on mitigating human-elephant conflict in Sri Lanka. By implementing beehive fences, we aim to create a sustainable solution that protects both farmers’ crops and the well-being of elephants.

Currently, we do not offer adoption services. However, you can support our cause by contributing to our projects, making a donation, or spreading awareness about the importance of animal welfare.

Angel Animal Rescue, founded by Angela, is dedicated to protecting and caring for the lives of street dogs and elephants in Sri Lanka. Join us in making a lasting difference for these precious animals.

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Angel Animal Rescue, founded by Angela, is dedicated to protecting and caring for the lives of street dogs and elephants in Sri Lanka. Join us in making a lasting difference for these precious animals.